Murder Mystery/Comedy Fri Aug 26 at Pine Knot

Acme Murder Mystery Co
Gotta go with another murder mystery, last year’s was so much fun. Join us Friday August 26 for a“Whodunit” Dinner Cruise Event in partnership with The Acme Mystery Co! This year’s storyline: Homestyle Homicide: the Freagan Family Reunion.
Come a running’ cousins ’cause it’s time again for the annual family reunion and the whole Freagan family is gonna be there! We’re gonna have vittles, singing’, hooting’ and hollering’ and, of course, no family gathering would complete without the annual pig-calling contest! Dang, you might even win a big ol’ slop bucket full of money! Yeehaw! Best watch your step on the farm this year though. Pa’s been hitting the moonshine a might too hard and is about to lose the farm to that no good snake Beauregard Hogwallerin. When the girls find out somebody could end up on the barbecue!
A few pertinent details…..
Must be 21 years
Reservations required
Limited to 66 people
Cash bar
$83 pp, inclusive of tax and gratuity
- The performance will take place this year in the dining hall at Camp Pine Knot, boat access only.
- It’s a 3-course meal- salad, entree and dessert. Please choose your entree when you reserve: prime rib, chicken, salmon, flank steak or sea bass.
- Wearing outfits to go along with the theme & ambience is encouraged- we’ll have a costume contest at the end to salute the person who looks like he or she could blend most easily at a Freagan family reunion.
How the evening will unfold:
4:30-5:30 Boarding and cash bar with appetizers such as baked brie with kahlua, chef-made salsa & chips and peel-n-eat shrimp
5:30-5:50 Cruise to Pine Knot; dock and deboard
6:00-6:30 Act I in Pine Knot’s Dining Room
6:35-7:20 Return to the Durant for salad and main course
7:30-8:20 Return to Pine Knot DR for Acts II & III
8:30-9:00 All aboard the Durant to see who has guessed the killer correctly and partake of that delicious Italian confectionary, tiramisu, coffee and after dinner drinks.
9:00 ish Dock at Pier I